This is an aviation/space forum, but you can talk about almost anything including politics relevant to aviation, and absolutely everything in the non-aviation category. Please try to place new topics in the proper category. Message @Admin or @Mods or email to suggest new categories.
Please keep the following in mind when posting on the forum:
Be respectful: Avoid personal insults, pornography or other nudity, harassment, and other demeaning or discriminatory behavior.
Stay on topic: Create a clear topic title and post in the appropriate category by selecting a tag when launching a new thread/topic. When contributing to an existing discussion, try to stay on topic. You may select multiple categories/tags. Moderators may move discussions to a more appropriate forum if necessary.
Be civil: Don’t post anything that could be considered offensive, or inciting violence.
Don’t spam: You can promote your own work or businesses, but please keep it relevant to aviation. Illegal content will be removed.
There will be moderators on this site who will warn and/or remove any illegal or as listed above, otherwise inappropriate content, but we intend to keep discussions as free and uncensored as possible. And that’s the main reason for which we created this site, so express your opinions.
We are looking for moderators and/or people to join our writing/analysis team on our sister Substack publication. Message me @Admin or email and we’ll talk.
Welcome AvGeeks! Let’s soar together!